With only 11 years, this child has programmed more than 100 video games and overcomes challenges of the University of Valladolid

Is called Antonio García Vicente, is 11 years old, is from Villanubla (a town of Valladolid) and confesses "mega fan" Real Madrid football. So far, a normal child if it wasn't because with only six years he joined the Young Programmers Club of the University of Valladolid; with eight, he gave his first TED talk, and today has programmed more than 100 video games.

And he still has time to play as a goalkeeper in the Villanubla club, commission his teachers and develop a programming club with his sister. But, despite his ability to program, he wants to be a professional goalkeeper and later an inventor.

A professional of "all languages"

There is no doubt with his incredible curriculum that develops with great ease in the programming language, but also when defending his ideas in public.

His first talk TED 'Program to learn without limits', with only eight years, fell in love with young and old for his self-confidence when talking about himself and the magic of creating with cables, a computer and a lot of imagination.

Already then progressed how important it is "Share resources with everyone to continue learning and creating."

But he returned to conquer as a guest at the 2018 Great Teacher Gala! of the Atresmedia Foundation, where he talked about the illusion as talking about the illusion as "engine that moves the world, with which you arouse the curiosity to learn and create incredible things".

It spreads illusion

As he explained in his talks, for him:

"Programming is a superpower that allows you to do what you want: imagine, create games, stories, animations ...".

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And he wants to spread this passion to the rest of the children around the world, so that they can, like him, learn by having fun.

And judging by his steps, it seems that he is making it and by far.

He already showed us in his first TED talk some of the musical projects he had done for his school "with just a few cables and a computer".

Just a few days ago, at the initiative of KeepCoding, he participated as a speaker and teacher in the software class with more students in the world in Madrid, breaking a Guiness Record and counting that:

“I like video games like all children, but I also like to know how they are made and create my own. They are obviously not going to be as professional as FIFA, but I have created a project in which several players are in the same field and play against each other. "

And so on to overcome a hundred games. But it also adds other vertigo figures.

With six years he learned Scratch and continued training with new programming tools and languages ​​to develop his mobile projects and applications. You already have notions of App Inventor, assembler, App Lab and Arduino.

He has also created with his sister, only 13 years old, the Programming Club of El Páramo de Villanubla, which has 54 children, between six and 15 years old.

In addition to participating in talks, teaching programming, developing projects for the Club of Young Programmers of the University of Valladolid ...

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Learn in a fun way

He is so clear that when you hear him say it, you convince him that he is right, that children learn best by playing and dare to tell teachers that they have to teach with enthusiasm to get that illusion to children and thus:

"Mathematics is not a roll, but they are in all things in life and you have to see them as something natural."

And so he proposes to use 'the game of worms', with which he himself learned to add and multiply in class with five years; a Monopoly to learn geography and history or a rap to learn the rules of spelling.

This was explained at the 2018 teachers gala, where he stated that "It's very stubborn" and that insists and insists until he achieves what he wants and the result is worth it.

And with this spirit, he shares his projects on the Internet. He has achieved that:

"Children not only from Spain, but from other countries such as Venezuela, Costa Rica, Mexico, Argentina or Colombia, are motivated and excited and want to share, get excited and want to learn too."

Account, for example, that The first game he created, with seven years, served him to learn with his teammates the bones of the human body.

Even with an expression of amazement, I am left with the last war cry of this little genius named Antonio in his first viral talk, really motivating for our children and that can be a good alternative to a possible addiction to video games:

"Encourage you boys and girls, stop being just video game players and become creators of stories, games, programs, musical projects ... There is no limit, only that of our imagination."

But he also asks those children to:

"Do not stay there, show it to the world through the web so that more and more we enjoy not only playing but also knowing that we children can also decide how we want things done."

And one last message for us parents:

"We ask that you please set up programming programs in schools so that no child is left without learning all this. It is important for your children."

Photos | Screenshots 'Grandes profes 2018'

Video: Madrid. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).