Everyday objects are also toys

You will have noticed that sometimes your baby passes olympically from her toys and prefers to play with other things, such as empty bottles, kitchen utensils, the TV remote or some object that has been found out there and has caught her attention. It is not only necessary to play toys, everyday objects are also toys.

As much as we carefully choose toys for our baby as rattles, stacking cubes or stuffed animals, it is normal and healthy for the baby to show interest in other objects.

The color, texture or shape of some objects you can find at home arouse your curiosity. There are children who have a weakness to open and close drawers, put and take things out of them, or by the controls, others are fans of wire beaters, while there are small drummers who improvise a concert with tupperware and wooden spoons.

The baby's curiosity will not be satisfied only with the toys he has at home no matter how much they are appropriate for his age. You need to explore beyond the world at your fingertips and will look for new objects to take them to your mouth, touch and hold them.

Remember that for the baby the game is learning. Knowing new objects gives you new experiences. Suddenly he discovers that these objects have interesting shapes, unknown textures and that by hitting them he can discover different sounds.

Of course, we have to discern with which objects it can play and with which not. Keep in mind that the baby will suck, bite and throw them on the floor, so first of all you have to prioritize your safety.

Make those available to the baby everyday objects that can become improvised toys. Sometimes they can be more valuable than the more elaborate toys.

Video: THIS IS GENIUS! Kids Toys You Can DIY From Cheap Everyday Objects (May 2024).