Mi Planeta, environmental education website for children

The environmental education of the little ones begins at home, and without doubt the Internet represents a medium with immense possibilities to entertain and teach. On the website of the Ministry of Environment we find "My Planet", a place to learn to care for and respect the environment.

In the children's area of ​​the web we are welcomed by Marmauta, who comes from the planet Secano and invites children to carry out the activities they propose on the site and that have to do with the care of the planet, the environment, good food and habits of recycling.

All games, in flash, include an audio description that explains what needs to be done in detail so that the kids can participate.

It is an ideal place to meet at home, but also in the classroom. It is designed for Early Childhood Education, although most resources can be used with younger children.

The food pyramid with the healthiest and least suitable food, the benefits of fish, the colors of recycling, or a story about the need to save water with tips included are some of the entertainments we find on the web.

In addition, there are other interesting games that propose to develop the auditory acuity of the little ones, distinguishing animals or landscapes, walking through forests ... And we can also tour the National Parks of Spain.

Definitely, "Mi Planeta" is an interesting environmental education website aimed at children from the house, thanks to which they will have a good time and learn to take care of our surroundings.

Video: Why is biodiversity so important? - Kim Preshoff (July 2024).