Role of pediatricians in promoting breastfeeding: during pregnancy

We already told you a few weeks ago about prenatal visits to the pediatrician, a practice recommended by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics and that sought, through preconception advice and prenatal care, numerous health benefits for the mother and the child. One of those benefits was the increase in the rate of breastfeeding.

The AEP Breastfeeding Committee publishes a document entitled “Breastfeeding. How to promote and support breastfeeding in pediatric practice. Recommendations of the Lactation Committee of the AEP ”in which it deepens on the convenience of the prenatal visit to the pediatrician.

In this document they insist that all pediatricians should acquire theoretical and practical training in breastfeeding that enables them to adequately inform and help solve the problems that arise to mothers, also during pregnancy.

Following the recommendations of various international organizations and committees, the Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics recommends appropriate guidelines during pregnancy. These are the fundamental points:

  • It is noted that the pediatrician is an especially relevant figure in prenatal education and it is desirable that he share the responsibility together with nurses, midwives and obstetricians of helping mothers make an informed choice about the method of feeding their children.
  • The education of parents before and after childbirth is essential for the success of breastfeeding. These actions can be included in the pregnancy control program as advised by PREVINFAD.
  • The pediatrician will recommend breastfeeding by informing mothers and families about its benefits, undoing myths and helping them set realistic expectations about it.
  • In addition, it will ensure that families have the necessary information and know the technique of breastfeeding and practices to avoid in future problems, favoring an informed decision on how to feed their future child.
  • Father's support for breastfeeding is essential and it is important to involve him whenever possible.

Without a doubt, if all these points were effectively followed, the rates of successful breastfeeding could increase, although there is still a long way to be generalized. It is extended that pregnant women make prenatal visits to pediatricians.

And that it extends that these professionals are sufficiently trained and involved to offer real help to moms and future moms.

However, I am optimistic and I think More and more pediatricians are aware of their role in promoting breastfeeding and hopefully the trend continues to rise. Not surprisingly, these points are made by pediatricians.

Video: Women's Nutrition : How to Eat Healthy While Breastfeeding (July 2024).