From mare to mare, breastfeeding photo contest

Today I bring you a photo contest on breastfeeding organized by the association "De Mare a Mare" with the collaboration of the City Council of Alcoy. They offer several prizes in the different categories and the winning photos will be used for the promotion of breastfeeding. The association especially intends to organize several exhibitions.

The general objective is to promote breastfeeding by framing work in three areas: breastfeeding, prolonged breastfeeding and first contact as the basis for the importance of establishing the link and breastfeeding.

In addition, with the contest they hope to present the group "From mare to mare" at the local and national level with the dissemination of the contest, that the population knows more about the promotion of breastfeeding and invite families to prepare photographs of these special moments with their children.

The association "From mare to mare"As such, it has been running for about 3 years. Their goal as a breastfeeding support group is to support the family, especially the mother and the baby, at the time when they decide to breastfeed, helping them to be a satisfying and rewarding experience for both, in which the problems , pressures or difficulties can be solved or improved.

The people who form the association are mothers with direct experience in breastfeeding, volunteers, and who also have training in breastfeeding and parenting as they participate in congresses, conferences and masters related to these matters.

They meet every Friday in Alcoy and monthly they carry out specific workshops on issues related to breastfeeding and babies such as porting, natural childbirth, the return to work of the breastfeeding mother, complementary feeding. They also make contact telephone numbers available to mothers to answer the first questions, or even if there is no possibility of approaching the place where the group meets, they go to the family's home. They also collaborate with the midwives of their city in childbirth preparation groups.

The photo contest on breastfeeding of the group "De Mare a Mare" It is open for the reception of the originals until September 6 and the awards ceremony will be on Saturday 25 of that month, just before a free conference for the pediatrician Carlos González assistants.

Video: Photo of police officer breastfeeding malnourished baby goes viral (July 2024).