The Mediterranean diet increases the effectiveness of fertility treatments

We already know that food is essential for good health, also reproductive. And this is so even if the conception is not carried out naturally.

A study by the Erasmus University Hospital in Rotterdam on the influence of diet on fertility indicates that the Mediterranean diet promotes pregnancy in women who undergo fertility treatments.

The chances of getting pregnant increase up to 40% in these cases. The study was conducted among 161 women from whom a series of data collected from surveys was extracted. It was found that women who became pregnant with greater success had something common in their diets: they all consumed vegetables, olive oil, fish, legumes, fruits ...

The study found that other types of variables such as age, weight, smoking or drinking habits were not related to the success or not of pregnancy.

Of course, one more reason to encumbrate our precious Mediterranean diet to World Heritage. And to take care of our food for the sake of our health, which always influences, not only for a good pregnancy and development of the embryo and the fetus, but also when it comes to getting pregnant.

If the Mediterranean diet serves to increase the effectiveness of fertility treatments They will have to reveal new, larger studies. For now, these data could open the doors to continue investigating the importance of the pregnancy diet in fertility treatments.

Video: The 21 Day Fertility Diet Challenge (July 2024).