Child growth calendar: five years

With the presentation of this article on the five year old We finish our special child development calendar.

The five year old boy He is already a person with a great capacity for expression, defined feelings and character, sociable and restless, but above all and above all, a being with an enormous need to discover and learn.

Motor development

To the five years The children have acquired a great experience with the management of their own body. Their fine and gross motor control is already considerable and they are able to do many things on their own.

He has learned to know the limits of your body and has also developed a very complete body scheme. Through exercise and movements, he knows how to relate the environment to the position of his body and his position. Even the laterality is already settled and one part of the body has a greater dominion over the other and can understand or at least begin with the concepts of left and right.

Your control of the fine motor It is evident although he continues to work in space and the positions of objects guided by his senses. You need to manipulate things, investigate matter and its operation, to internalize physical laws.

The five-year-old boy already has a well-developed balance. You can jump without problems, stand on tiptoe and on one foot.

You can take the pencil, write your name, paint recognizable objects, in addition to being prepared to learn to brush your teeth, brushing or cleaning when you go to the bathroom, although for these things it is normal that you need help and like to be aware of he.

Emotional development

At five years the child feels a huge attachment to his mother and father, although his very intense emotions can lead him to oppose them, which is solved with understanding and affection.

It is still essential for him to have his presence as a model and as protective figures, even if he demands greater autonomy and enjoy social relations and play with other children and adults.

Enjoy the group games and the rules of behavior, being able to empathize with the feelings of others whenever we are able to have respected their feelings in their previous years.

Free games are a great source of pleasure and learning for them. The rules in social relations and respectful consensus are the great conquests that await them, and to achieve them the non-invasive presence of a trusted and loving adult is very important.

He likes to talk and be heard. Valuing their opinions and allowing them to participate in the decisions that will influence them is very important for them. He will not always accept parental authority, but that is also part of his healthy evolution to build his personality.

Intellectual development

It will never pass a stage of greater mental boil Until adolescence Everything wants to know, discover, interrogates and continually interrogates us to satisfy those eagerness to know that they fill his head.

It is already perfectly recognized as an independent entity, and for that reason exploring relationships and their consequences is a fundamental part of their development.

Time already makes sense to him. You can play a game today and continue the next day, or understand what will happen that afternoon, or tomorrow or next week, adapting your wishes to the time sequence and learning to wait.

The cause and the consequence, the time and quantity sequences are the great conquest of its intellectual development and for all that he continuously seeks the conversation and the opinion of his surroundings.

Death, the gods and birth are the subject of deep reflections, which can develop in their interiors until at a certain moment, in a surprising way, they tell us. Sometimes his fears and feelings are very intense, and it is not surprising, if we think that these ideas and these mysteries are new to him.

They will ask us about these issues and many others, the things that fall, night and day, plants, food, their bodily functions. They will even ask us things we don't know and it's a good time to learn by their side.

Food, sleep and growth

its increase It will be slow but continuous and its nutritional needs do not vary much from the previous year. If it has not been previously weaned, you may ask your chest very little, especially at night or in times of great tension or pain.

There are usually no usual night awakenings but there are children who develop crises related to external or internal tensions that can be seen in night terrors and phases in which they ask for company at night. Many children enjoy sleeping in their room but others prefer to stay in the common bed, without worrying.

Be parents of a five year old It is an emotional and intellectual challenge, in addition to a whole learning exercise for the elderly, that we will share the way in which a person we love discovers the world, others and himself.