Return of personal income tax for maternity and paternity: is it slowing down by the Treasury?

The technicians of the Ministry of Finance (Gestha) are not sure that they can meet the expectations of the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, of having made all the returns of the IRPF of maternity and paternity benefits from 2014 to 2017, before Let the next Income campaign begin in April 2019.

And more taking into account, as explained by his secretary general, José María Mollinedo, that the processing of applications made through the specific online form on the website of the Tax Agency, is suffering a slowdown.

However, from the AEAT headquarters they assure us that is not so, according to your data. The pace is right.

Causes of a less rapid management

On Monday, December 3, the Treasury provided on its website a specific form to request the return of the IRPF of maternity and paternity benefits, after the Superior Court of Justice ruled in October that they were exempt from withholding this tax.

In Babies and more This is the form to claim the return of the IRPF of your maternity or paternity benefit
  • José María Mollinedo has explained to Babies and More than yesterday received about 250,000 requests for return of personal income tax for the years 2014-2015, of the estimated million they will receive this month. In January another million will be added, when the returns of the years 2016-2017 can also be requested.

  • To manage them, you have the number of technicians who usually work In the Resources Unit, they have to attend to the usual claims of the taxpayers on their Income, and now to the avalanche of the requests of fathers and mothers.

  • In order to speed up its management, since the workforce is not going to be reinforced, the technicians have asked the IT department to create an application that automatically encodes the data provided by Social Security on the amounts received by fathers and mothers, and the dates on which they benefited from this right. "Today we have to check each month, something that is even slower if the beneficiaries charged the pregnancy in two different years. " But, clarifies Gestha’s secretary, "The information provided is correct, there are no irregularities as some media outlets pointed out. "

In Babies and more How can you request your return of the IRPF of maternity and paternity in the fastest and easiest way
  • Another reason that slows the resolution of requests, according to the secretary of Gestha, is the not having a national criterion to act when the exemption from maternity and paternity benefits determines that there is no longer an obligation to declare and for those who did not declare (because they are not obliged) and can now do so to enjoy rent or childcare allowances (among other benefits).

This slows down the management, since you have to check many data (which the Treasury does not have) such as the money paid for rent and if the taxpayer lives throughout the year in the declared property. And then, in addition, notify the resolution to the interested party to see if you will modify your income statement or not. There are many autonomous and state deductions that depend on the family's income.

Greater number of requests via web

José Manuel Mollinedo explains that All fathers and mothers who have enjoyed their permission for the birth of a child between 2014 and 2015 are submitting the application, without knowing whether or not they are entitled to a refund. of quantity and checks also take time. And most do it through the web form, the type of access that slows down the most.

The rest of the applications submitted through the RENØ reference number, certificate or digital signature, and those that had already been received by ordinary means before the AEAT launched the online form, continue their course. "But it is not true that it is paralyzed as it has been said, it just goes slower and you can continue requesting without problems through the form or as desired", clarifies the secretary of Gestha.

And what does the AEAT say?

Finance officials explain that when there is a massive return, as in this specific case, they start slowly to observe the problems that may arise and go looking for solutions from the beginning.

And once it is verified that there is no mismatch with the data provided by Social Security, the process is accelerated. In fact, they are convinced that they will meet the dates and that all returns will be made before April 2019, when the new rental campaign begins.

For now, the technicians and those responsible for the Ministry of Finance, They do not offer data on how many returns have already been managed since last December 5, when the returns began.

In Babies and moreHacienda is already making the IRPF return of maternity and paternity benefits

What the secretary of Gestha has commented is that his calculations of the average amounts to be received by the mothers for the return of the tax (1,600 euros) and by the parents (383 euros) coincide.

Not so their forecasts in the total of affected women. While the Minister of Finance assured that the return of the IRPF will imply a budgetary expense of 1,200 million, Gestha estimates that it will be less than half, although they want to wait for the number of applications to be more advanced, to offer more concrete figures.

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