Vaginal bleeding in newborns

Although it causes great concern in parents it is relatively common and normal for some newborn girls to present a kind of small rule during the first days of life.

Anyone gets scared if they see blood in their baby's diaper, so it’s good to know that girls can have a mild vaginal bleeding that will last a day or two. It is a normal phenomenon, without pathological significance.

It is known by the term of "Minimum precocious puberty of Jaquet" and it is due to the transfer of estrogen from the mother to the newborn.

High levels of estrogen (female sex hormones) cause a widening of the baby's uterus causing a slight loss of blood.

For the same reason, high estrogen levels can also cause swelling of the breasts and nipples, milk may even come out, a small secretion formerly called "witch's milk".

Medically it is known with the term breast engorgement. If it happens it is totally contraindicated to squeeze the breasts of the baby. It is somewhat transitory until your hormones return to normal levels.

Although it is good to know that they are normal phenomena, both situations worry parents a lot and it is advisable that you always consult with the pediatrician to rule out other problems.

Video: Vaginal Bleeding - Newborns (April 2024).