Mothers with influenza A can continue to breastfeed

The international association Breastfeeding Network, which is dedicated to giving independent information and support to nursing mothers, today has disseminated information of special importance in these days of fear of influenza A. As they have explained they have made this call to receive many inquiries of mothers whose pediatrician or midwife have recommended immediate weaning when they are diagnosed with this disease; mothers with influenza A can continue to breastfeed.

The cases in England, where the information comes from, are many, and it seems that, given the avalanche of consultations and ignorance of some health professionals, it has been considered necessary to make it very clear that mothers can continue breastfeeding whether they get vaccinated in the future or if they have been diagnosed with influenza A and are currently being medicated.

The organization's spokeswoman, Lesley Backhouse, explained that sick mothers can and should continue to breastfeed normally, even if they receive antivirals, since their concentration in milk is not counterproductive to breastfeeding. In addition, in this flu, as in the others, the mother transmits to her child the antibodies she develops.

But it is that in addition if the baby becomes ill, which considering that the disease is spread through sneezing and not milk, that his mother breastfeeds him will help him a lot, since he will receive the antibodies that will help him fight against the disease and can also continue to enjoy a perfectly digestible and safe food for him.

Therefore, in case of falling ill even having to take antivirals, it is not necessary to rule out breastfeeding, but on the contrary, continue knowing that we are providing the best medicine and the best food for the baby. Therefore, if you find yourself in this circumstance, know that you can keep breastfeeding.

Video: IDSA: Flu Vaccine Benefits Moms and Babies (July 2024).