Story Place, digital library for children

Some time ago we talked about this interesting library, Story Place, which despite its name offers us all the contents in Spanish. We return on this digital library to analyze the most attractive sections for children.

We first enter "The pre-school library", which, as the name implies, is addressed to the smallest of the house. In it we will find very interesting activities, stories, crafts or a list of children's books. In addition, we can choose by themes each section: gorillas, bears, babies, music, colors, the bathroom ... according to the tastes of the kids.

That way we will have both stories and activities, crafts and books classified thematically. Especially beautiful I found the crafts to do at home, simple and with instructions suitable for children, with the help of daddies: masks, pendants, bath toys, puppets ...

In "The children's library" There are also interesting sections, with hobbies to print, labyrinths, find the differences ... More stories and book listings, also classified thematically, although at a level somewhat higher than "The pre-school library", complete the website in this section.

The easy handling of Story place, together with its fun design make this digital library a great tool to learn and entertain.

Official Site | Story Place In Babies and more | Stories to see and hear on the Internet, EnCuentos, literature for parents and children, Digital school library for early childhood education

Video: Toddler Story Time - Epiphany Library (July 2024).