Electoral tables and children's rights

When a mother finds that she has been called to a Electoral table is sometimes in a complicated situation. In cases of breastfeeding on demand in infants under nine months there is the possibility of alleging and although the allegations are not always accepted each time we find that this, little by little, is changing. Because what to be in one Polling station may be at odds with children's rights.

There are many other circumstances besides exclusive breastfeeding. Older babies who are still breastfeeding or simply who are used to being with their mother throughout the day without accepting another caregiver for so many hours. And of course, single-parent or single-parent families, separated couples in which the other parent will not take care of the child that day for whatever reason. Or couples in which the other parent has work obligations that day.

When these cases also occur it is possible to plead and I can tell you that it is worth a try. A few days ago a mother explained to me that she was in contact with this problem. She is a mother in a monomarental family of her own choice and did not want to look for any babysitter who took care of her son for so many hours because she did not consider it suitable for her son's emotional health and her own peace of mind. We made an allegation together and it has prospered.

In the allegation we referred to what was the caring for your child unique and we do not mention the possibility of leaving the child with a stranger for so many hours. What we did say is to take it to pass a full day at the polling station It would not be adequate. A child needs to play and expand and also needs the attention of an adult with whom he has an emotional bond, so it was not convenient for him to accompany his mother and she could not meet his obligations at the table if he had to attend to his son.

Therefore, in these cases, it is worth defending the rights of our children and requesting an exemption. In this case it has prospered.