The female reproductive system

In this simple and pedagogical video the form and function of the female reproductive organs. We already studied them in school, but it is not bad to give them a review and learn more about such an important part of our anatomy.

The external part of the female reproductive organs It is called vulva. It covers the entrance into the vagina. Just above the vagina is a fleshy area: Mount of Venus. Between the legs, protecting the entrance to the vagina there are two fleshy folds: the major and minor lips. In its front is the clitoris, a fleshy and very sensitive organ.

Inside the lips are two holes, one leads to the urethra, which is where the urine comes out. The other is the vagina, where the menstrual flow leaves and where the penis is inserted when they have sex with penetration.

The vagina It is a muscular organ with a tube that goes from the opening of the vagina to the uterus, measuring between 8 and 12 centimeters that is the usual measure of the human male's penis. As it is a muscle it can be made wider so that the baby comes out for her. It fulfills then two functions, to lodge the penis in the penetration and to be the way by which the child will be born. Through it you reach the internal sexual organs: the uterus, the fallopian tubes and the ovaries.

The vagina, until its rupture, has a menbrain called hymen. Each woman has a different thickness and although it is usually broken in the first sexual relationship it can also be broken by other causes. In patriarchal societies in which virginity was a value the existence or not of hymen could be definitive in a judgment towards the morality of women. When the hymen is broken there may be bleeding, without consequences, and some pain.

At the bottom of the vagina is the neck of the uterus, a very sensitive part that can hurt in the case of sexual intercourse with a lot of intensity or by a noticeable difference in size between the vagina and the penis if the penetration is very deep. The entrance of the neck to the uterus is very small, so there is no way for any object to go deeper. When the child is born, the cervix is ​​"erased" and becomes larger so that the baby can leave.

He uterus It is a muscular organ, which is shaped like an inverted pear. It normally measures 7 centimeters and a half by 3, but it expands greatly so that the baby grows inside and has strong contractions when the delivery, thanks to hormones, is triggered.

At the top are the Fallopian tube, which lead from the uterus to the ovaries. In the ovaries mature ovules are produced by meiosis that will go down the tubes to the uterus and await fertilization there.

Our body is amazing. When we look at it consciously, it is wonderful to think about the magic of Nature that has prepared us to give and shelter life. Knowing and seeing it helps us understand each other better. He female reproductive system It is a perfect set of organs that inside and out make us who we are, females.

Video: Reproductive System, Part 1 - Female Reproductive System: Crash Course A&P #40 (July 2024).