Triplets of 36 weeks are born in Madrid

Have born triplets of 36 weeks gestation in Madrid. The exceptional thing about the news is that a much longer duration of pregnancy has been achieved than usual in these cases. Usually multiple pregnancies usually end in premature birth for various reasons, this being the main concern of parents and doctors, as it can lead to health problems for newborns. There are no data from other triplets born with such an advanced pregnancy, so it is a truly exceptional case.

Babies arrived in the world last Wednesday were born by caesarean section in Hospital San Jose of Madrid. They are two boys and one girl. The triplets had been conceived naturally, which is attributed to the fact that both parents have a history of multiple pregnancies in their families.

The heaviest (2,870 grams) is with his mother and the smallest (weighing less than two kilos but more than 1500 grams) are under observation in the Neonatology Unit of the center, although they are not in danger.

The medical team has explained how important it is to have achieved that the delivery has been delayed until week 36. It is essential for the psychological health of the mother that one of her babies can already have with her and it will not take long to receive the others, and also for babies, who have thus avoided most of the risks of premature birth.

Both the mother, who did not show discomfort until a few days before delivery, and the medical team who have followed up excellent, can take pride in their work. They have made these children reach the world in excellent conditions for what is common in the multiple pregnancies.

Video: BIRTH VLOG! Raw & Real Labour & Delivery Of Our First Baby! (April 2024).