Six months, the minimum time it takes for women to adapt to motherhood and feel safe

A new baby arrives accompanied by a wave of changes and adjustments to the new life of the recent mother. All this It is part of our transformation towards motherhood, in which we will discover that we are now a different woman, with new challenges, goals and experiences to come.

But how long does it take women to adapt to our new life as mothers? According to a recent study, six months is the minimum time in which women feel confident and confident again in their new role as moms.

The first months as a mom

Although we can prepare during the nine months of pregnancy for the arrival of our baby, when the moment of truth comes and we have to put into practice everything we have read, things may be a little different than we imagine.

In the postpartum It is very common to feel insecurities and have many moments of doubt and confusion. Unfortunately, this is not something they tell us when we become mothers and what we should definitely talk about more, because we can find ourselves doubting even ourselves.

But we have to understand something, and we should even save it, repeat it and share it with other future mothers and moms: Adaptation to motherhood does not happen by magic. It is a matter of time, practice, a lot of patience and above all, a lot of kindness and kindness to ourselves.

Feeling comfortable and safe in this new role as mothers, is something that happens with the passing of days, weeks and even months. It is a slow process in which little by little we get used to our new body and our new life. And now, we have a study that proves it.

The study

Published in the journal Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, the objective of the study was to analyze levels and change in maternal confidence, mood and stress at two and six months after delivery in primiparous women.

The results showed that 25% of first-time mothers experienced low levels of confidence and mood for a while, as well as high levels of maternal stress, but in most of them, all of them improved in the first six months after delivery.

The researchers conclude that these results support the assumption that the transition to motherhood is a complicated period for new mothers, because it is characterized by presenting low self-confidence, as well as symptoms of depression and high stress, but that improve with the passage of time for most mothers.

Be patient with yourself

If you are in the postpartum or know a mother who is, repeat this: you are doing well and soon you will feel better. As I tell you, it is completely normal to have a million doubts, feel insecure and even doubt your ability to be a mom.

In case you feel this way, do not be distressed, do not be overwhelmed. We have all been there, We have all had those moments in the middle of the night in which we wonder if we are doing things right and even sometimes, wondering how it occurred to us to think we would be able to do it.

But we are. As in any new and unknown adventure, the first months we can have many fears and feel lost, but Remember that good lessons take time and that little by little, you will get to know yourself and your baby better.

Do not compare yourself with other mothers or think they do better than you. Remember that each one is different and is progressing at its own pace. If you feel lost or spend a lot of time and continue to feel that way, ask for help. Adapting to your new maternal life will take time, but in the end everything will be fine and it is very valid to ask for support.

Video: Baby Sleep Guide from Newborn to 6 Months. CloudMom (May 2024).