What it is like to be a mom when you are the only one in your group of friends with children

Being a mother is one of the most rewarding, challenging, complicated and wonderful experiences that I have had to live. I have never considered myself a young mom, I had my daughter at 27, but when I turn around, I see that maybe I could consider getting ahead of the majority.

And it is that compared to other women, it seems that motherhood came before the current trend in terms of age to have children, which is increasingly delayed. That's why today I want to share you what it is like to be a mom when you are the only one in your group of friends with children.

Although I consider that I waited long enough to become a mother, now that my daughter is four years old and I see that my group of friends still has no children, perhaps I was not as "late" as I felt.

But today I don't come to talk about the best age to be a mother, but about my experience as the only one that already has children in the group of friends, something I consider has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In Babies and more How to find other moms when you are the only one in your group of friends with children

On the one hand, being the first to have children within your nearby circle has many advantages, since the news is received with particular joy and enthusiasm, because we continue to grow and go through the new and different stages that life offers us.

Although on the other hand, being the first to venture into this unknown and great responsibility, things can be a little more ... confusing. Especially if like me, You do not have any other moms who are or have been through the same as you.

I must admit that this can be difficult, because little by little and since pregnancy, your interests are changing And now instead of talking about the trendy bar (which you can't even want to go to), you are focused on your pregnancy and preparing for what will soon change your whole life in a matter of months.

And not to speak when your child is finally born, because now the central themes for you may be diapers, breastfeeding, crying, pacifiers, tiredness and even the baby poop. In some cases, this transition and drastic change of routine and interests can test friendship and there are even women who lose friends after becoming mothers.

Now, I do not say that just because we are mothers, we stop having our own interests outside of our children and leave what we are passionate about, but as in any major or transcendental change in our life, sometimes circumstances move us away from people who have already fulfilled their purpose in life.

In Babies and more, did you lose some friends when you became a mother? Do not be distressed, you are not the only one

Fortunately, with my friends from the university, who are the only ones I continue to attend despite having graduated for almost 9 years, it was not the case and We remain friends even though each one is at a different stage of her life.

It is true that Maybe I don't have a close friend with whom I can let off steam and talk about the ups and downs of motherhood, but I have found this through maternity blogs, where I have met other moms bloggers like me and with whom I have created a very strong friendship despite the distance.

From that point of view, technology has been a blessing to many recent and first-time mothers, making the loneliness of maternity with the current pace of life is not so heavy to meet maternity groups in social networks and Internet, which we can turn to for doubts and relief.

In Babies and more The importance of maternity groups in social networks

And about not having that theme in common with my group of friends, I like to see the positive side in each situation, and with them is no exception. For me, although with them I don't have in common the issue of motherhood, they help me stay connected with the woman I am.

When we go out with them, we talk about all kinds of topics, and although they naturally ask me about my mother's life, for me living with them is a time of disconnection and leaving the routine and daily hustle and bustle which sometimes entails life with young children.

That's why I recommend that, Although you may not be moving at the same pace or pace as the rest of your friends, do your best to maintain friendship (as long as both parties are interested). Life is filled with experiences that help us grow and being in contact with people who have different lifestyles is a way of doing it.

Maybe I don't have other mothers close to me with whom I can share everything that happens in my mother's life and being the only one in my group of friends who already has children I may miss some things, but true friendship is able to accompany each other, even though we don't go in the same direction.

Video: The Mom of the Friend Group. CH Shorts (July 2024).