Doula in childbirth

The word doula It is in Greek a woman who serves another. The doula today is a woman experienced in childbirth and the puerperium, who accompany the mother giving him emotional and physical support and offering information empathically. The doula has no responsibility in the clinical sphere.

Throughout the history of the human being and in most cultures it is common for the mother is accompanied in childbirth by another woman that, experienced, offer you above all emotional and logistical support. This custom disappeared in western industrial culture when taking labor to the hospital. From then on, that support and company was provided sporadically and often unsatisfactorily by hospital staff. Currently the father is allowed to be present at the birth, but this presence, which is important, does not always offer the contention and experience that some women need and there are few mothers who are permanently accompanied by another woman.

The paper of doula in childbirth is to be attentive and act so that the woman has a good memory of her birth. He talks to her, offers suggestions to the parturient or her companion, helps interpret medical explanations, can help her move or take another more comfortable posture. Its function is to take care of the emotional state of the woman and ensure that the environment of her birth is intimate and safe. The presence of the doula in home delivery is quite widespread. However, in the case of hospital birth, it is convenient to reach a prior agreement with the medical staff so that their presence is accepted.

The doula can give a massage, put aromas or soft music, ensure that the light is adequate, slow down visits, but the most valued is the way in which she accompanies the mother without judging, with positive words, accepting her completely.

Some studies have linked the presence of a doula in childbirth (Klaus MH, Kennel JH, Klaus, PH, 2002) with a reduction in the duration of labor, the need for anesthesia or analgesia, the incidence of caesarean section, of the need for acceleration with oxytocin and a higher incidence of natural births.

It is Spain is not widespread to go to them, but they are increasingly more and better trained, offering mothers the safe and supportive female support we had lost.

Video: DITL Of A Birth Doula- FAST Labor & Delivery! (July 2024).