What is a provocation test?

In previous posts I had commented on my 20-month-old baby's allergy to milk proteins. Or rather had.

In the last review of gastroenterology, since both the analytical and the skin test were negative, his doctor decided to enter him for 24 hours in the hospital to do a provocation test and make sure that the milk did not produce any allergic reaction.

The provocation test it consists of administering the allergenic food waiting between doses for a period of time to see if response appears. In the case of my son, he was given cow's milk starting with small doses (5ml) until he reached half a liter in two hours. Provocation tests should always be performed under strict medical supervision and by a specialist with extensive knowledge of the allergy.

In the case of young children, the test can be a bit uncomfortable, especially since there comes a time when the child must eat the amounts administered in full and in full. My child from the beginning rejected the milk and we had to use a syringe to force him to scream, cry and kick. I was afraid that with the situation my son would later hate milk because of the saturation effect. In one morning he drank 150 ml of milk between protests, and fortunately in the course of the afternoon and evening there was no reaction.

The next morning he had to take half a liter in two hours. So that he could ingest such an amount they did not give him breakfast, so his hunger made it easier for us to take 150 ml in the glass that commonly takes hydrolyzed milk at home, but the worst was when the glass with 200 ml arrived, the poor guy He had no place to put that amount, in the end he could not with it to which the pediatrician recommended that we no longer give him.

Since then everything indicates that he has overcome the allergy, little by little I will be introducing the yogurt and then the cheese. We are all very happy, the concern has gone away and the detective work of carefully reading the product labels and Arturo will begin to try new flavors.

If your child suffers from any type of allergy and will be subjected to a provocation test, you should not worry, everything is carefully prepared in case a severe allergic reaction is triggered.

Video: Cluster of Laslett. Sacroiliac Joint Pain Provocation (July 2024).