Is the return to work of the defense minister a good example?

Yesterday we saw in the media the Minister of Defense Carme Chacón on her first day back to work after having been 42 days of maternity leave.

He entered his job with a smile drawn on his face. Surely the procession would go inside because no mother likes to separate from her newborn baby, much less so soon.

I suppose that due to the high demands of his position he has decided to take only 6 weeks of the 16 that correspond to him by law. Anyway, as you have let us know, permission is shared with the creature's father.

Yesterday he wanted to give a super-woman image. Hardworking, safe, responsible. But, I think he has not given the stature with the role of super-mom. Do you think the minister has set a good example by returning to work so soon?

Although I don't doubt the minister's husband's abilities to care for his son, I believe that the mother's closeness during the first months of life is essential for a baby. Just a few days ago we talked about the decisive influence that the mother has in the first year of life.

The little one needs to be in contact as long as possible with the skin and smell of his mother. And of course, be breastfed. Or even in a bottle, receive your milk. I doubt that the minister will make a gap between meetings and meetings to express milk, but let's give her the benefit of the doubt.

What worries me is that this model of a mother who takes a parenthesis at work to give birth to a child and be with him just 40 days is extended as the example of what a "current mother" should be.

Of course, the decision between work and motherhood is not easy for today's women. As I maintain in the blog, I think it is necessary to establish effective measures for work and family reconciliation so that mothers (and fathers, of course) can bring children to the world, enjoy them and, most importantly, be with them the greatest possible time.

Video: Iran Foreign Minister: US strike would trigger 'all out war' (July 2024).