Physical exercise is better than diets for childhood obesity

Childhood obesity does not understand borders, or what is the same, the bad habits of life of our civilization reach all countries.

We already knew that Spain was the third world country in the ranking of childhood obesity after the US and the United Kingdom, but it seems that it will join the club Argentina because, according to the Argentine Pediatric Society, 31.5% of children 6 months to 6 years are overweight, and 10.4% of them are obese. These figures indicate that the prevalence of childhood obesity has tripled in the last twenty years.

To the diets, nutritional advice and books about it we have dedicated many posts, the last one: the Montignac method for childhood obesity. Food is an important and necessary method of control and prevention, but a study has just confirmed that it is not the most effective.

The University of León in an investigation on this subject affirms that 5 hours a week of moderate physical activity they would help prevent obesity, since they significantly improve the body mass index (the relationship between weight and height) in children.

A priori it does not seem like much but it is twice as many as is practiced today because children spend 3 to 5 hours a day on TV or the computer and only between 2 and 4 hours a week to do sports or physical exercise. And physical activity only at school is not enough.

Summer is coming, and as Lola said: "playing outdoors is good, beautiful and cheap."

Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: How to help overweight kids get healthier (June 2024).