Vietnamese do not want their babies to be born in the Year of the Rat

On February 7 a new lunar year begins according to the Chinese calendar. In Vietnam and in the other countries that are governed by this zodiac that date will mark the end of the Year of the Golden Pig, the best combination to bring a child into the world, since they believe that a child born during this year will have a happy life and wealthy

It’s not the same fate that awaits children born after February 7, under the sign of the Rat. According to their beliefs, it will be a bad year and nobody wants their children to be born under this sign, that's why women who are in the last stage of their pregnancy they are demanding that doctors have a caesarean section, causing a spectacular increase of this practice in motherhoods.

Vietnam is experiencing a "baby boom", which will surely remain in 2007 for being the year of the pig. Faced with such a shot, fear arises that the only solution is to take extreme measures such as that of the only child practiced in China.

Returning to the subject, the debate has arisen as to whether it is lawful or not to choose the day of the birth of a child. When Germany announced that it would offer generous subsidies to children born after 2007, mothers asked to delay childbirth so that their children were not born before January 1.

The case of Vietnamese is similar, although the reason is different. In any of the two cases and in those in which the delivery is voluntarily advanced or delayed for some reason, the question is, can we “manipulate” at our whim something as fortuitous as the date of birth of a baby?