Back to school, the colds return

Within two weeks of starting classes I can predict without fear of being wrong that it will not take long to appear at home the first cold of the school year.

Children, especially those in preschool, are very susceptible to "catch" any virus that spins.

And of course, the concentration of several children in the same space coupled with the decrease in temperatures in recent days leads to contagion.

The catarrhal viral processes they are the most frequent cause of visiting the doctor these days, and together with otitis, the main reasons for pediatric consultation.

This time of the year in which such wide temperature variations occur (in the morning and at night it is cold but during the day it warms up the sun) predisposes the appearance of the virus that causes the cold in children.

If we add that the coexistence of several children for many hours in the same spaces is a great breeding ground, making it almost inevitable that children be saved from the virus, especially the smallest ones who do not have enough immunity for all viruses that They circulate around him.

However, colds at this time of year are usually less aggressive than winter flu.

Anyway, it is advisable to shelter the child during the coldest hours of the day, that is, when he goes out in the morning and at bedtime, and give him a diet that reinforces his defenses.

If the child catches a cold, he must stay home for two or three days to recover and prevent him from infecting the rest of the classmates.

Video: WWF Raw Is War - Stone Cold returns and help Team WWF from Team Alliance HD (July 2024).