Children with the ring finger longer than the index are better in math

According to research carried out at the University of Bath (U.K) and published in the British Journal of Psychology, it can be predicted how our son will go on a math test just by looking at his hands.

Children with ring fingers longer than index fingers probably have math skills, while those who have it short will be more skilled in languages ​​or literature. At this point in the post, they will be wondering: what does speed have to do with bacon?

Well, according to psychologists, it can be explained by the levels of testosterone and estrogen that babies are exposed to in the womb. These hormones have a role in brain development as well as finger length.

The scientist Mark Brosnan who led the research states that testosterone promotes the development of areas of the brain associated with spatial and mathematical skills. For its part, estrogen develops areas of the brain associated with verbal ability. These hormones also have a function in the lengths of the index and ring fingers, therefore the size of the fingers would measure the relative exposure to these hormones in the uterus.

To find out, the scientists measured the measurements of the index and ring fingers of the right hands of 75 7-year-old children to reach these conclusions.

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