Go to a restaurant with your baby

Some parents are somewhat reluctant when it comes to go to a restaurant with your babyThey think about the inconvenience caused and believe that the possible cries of the baby can disturb the guests who are in the establishment. Also having to take it while eating because he cries or not stops moving is another possible inconvenience.

The reality is very different, you never have to discard the meals that can be made in an outing to have a baby, in fact, the exit benefits the whole family and stimulates many of the child's senses. The clientele, if they are responsible and intelligent people, should understand in the event that it happens, the baby's cries and these do not have to be a nuisance to anyone. On the other hand there are several actions that allow the child to enjoy a pleasant walk and the parents a leisure time, just feed the baby just before going to the restaurant, probably take a good nap allowing parents to eat and then Enjoy a pleasant walk together. Remember to always carry a toy, this will be very effective for the little one to entertain.

Although it also depends on the stage in which the baby is, if he is already able to be seated and it is not possible to give him the food before leaving home, a good option is to call the restaurant to check if they have a high chair, done which will allow the baby to be integrated into the family meal gratifying him and making him fully participant. We always called and when the restaurant did not have a high chair, the solution was as simple as looking for another.

In short, do not forget to enjoy a trip to the restaurant and do not forget to stock up on all the things you may need to properly care for your baby.

Video: Baby Alives Go To The Restaurant. Kelli Maple (July 2024).