Non-breastfed babies enter twice as many hospitals

For those who think that breastfeeding increases the baby's defenses is not proven, here is irrefutable proof of the benefits of breastfeeding children.

A work carried out by scientists from the Denia Hospital (Alicante) that has been published in the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics analyzes the frequency of hospital admissions for babies up to one year of age according to the type of breastfeeding they have received.

The figures are overwhelming. One in eight babies who had never been breastfed suffered an infection (respiratory, digestive or generalized) in the first year of life so important as to require hospitalization, while only one in 16 babies who had received exclusive breastfeeding until The four months had to be admitted for this type of infections.

On the other hand, only one in 44 babies who were exclusively breastfed beyond four months had these types of infections that were difficult to control.

Words are unnecessary. The study highlights the immune protection you "give" to your baby when breastfeeding.

It means that you have at your fingertips the possibilities of reducing the risk of your baby being admitted to a hospital because of a serious infection.

No more tests are needed. I want to believe that mothers would do anything for the health of their babies.

Video: Breastfeeding, a Skill Mom and Baby 'Learn From Each Other' (July 2024).