Booming birth in China despite the existing gender imbalance

We have just read a story in BBC Mundo that in Babies and more we had already announced, China fears a population explosion due to a defect in the birth control law. In the post, Chinese birth control can lead to a new birth boom, we explain how a possible birth boom situation has been reached.

But what really caught our attention is the article that was published in January and that shows a Great gender imbalance in the Chinese population, experts estimate that in just 10 years, this imbalance will lead to 30 million more men of marriageable age than women. Our question is the following, if there is a form defect in the birth law and two children are allowed per couple, will this problem not be corrected? We believe that it will at least be minimized and the data provided by BBC will not be correct. On the other hand, this birth boom will be temporary, since all those children will not be able to have more than one child in the future, since the law does not allow having more than one child who has siblings, so they will then return to place waters of birth control in its channel.

We disagree with the policy on birth control, but finding a suitable formula to contain population growth is difficult. Curious, there they fight to have more than one child and in Spain it is delayed at all costs.

Video: Heather Lee on Chinese restaurants, immigration, and labor history in the . (July 2024).