A baby free of cystic fibrosis is born in Spain thanks to mini-sequencing

The work carried out in the Assisted Reproduction Centers is truly commendable, conceiving a child despite the possible risks and inconveniences that sometimes arise, such as an inherited disease, are no longer as problematic as they were before.

Various techniques facilitate many couples who can be parents of a healthy baby, among these is the technique that has allowed on February 1 a baby born free of the disease of which his parents were carriers, cystic fibrosis.

Through the genetic technique called mini-sequencing it has been possible to mutate the embryo's DNA before it was implanted in the mother and thus avoid the disease. The process was developed as follows, first the in vitro fertilization was carried out with the purpose of obtaining several embryos and practicing a genetic diagnosis. From the embryos obtained, the embryo that is completely healthy and free of the gene responsible for the disease is chosen thanks to a system of genetic detection of mutations.

It was possible to obtain a completely healthy embryo that was implanted in the mother, thus achieving a happy outcome, a completely healthy baby. The specialists of the Genomic Systems genetic diagnosis center and the Assisted Reproduction Medical Center of Valencia have been responsible for the success and will surely reap many others, they undoubtedly perform a great task that helps fulfill the dream of many couples, that of being parents .

Video: Secrets of the Human Genome (July 2024).