Overweight children also have more problems with surgical intervention.

Already last year a study confirmed that type II diabetes was associated with obesity in children as well as adults, as well as problems with hypertension, asthma or other respiratory problems. To this we must add that complications due to infection if the child or adult must undergo surgery.

Regarding this topic, a study has been developed at the University of Michigan, there are many children who are overweight or obese, according to data from 2000 to 2004, Of the more than 6,000 children who were operated, one third were overweight or obese, and having to go through the operating room were more likely to suffer problems related to the operation.

In addition, being overweight may be the cause of needing some surgical intervention, such as the removal of the tonsils to solve respiratory problems such as sleep apnea, trauma surgery to heal broken bones or problems related to the digestive system, to which We must also add that overweight gives more problems to anesthetists and surgeons. According to the study's lead author, Bukky Nafiu, from the Department of Anesthesiology, problems in obese or overweight children can not only appear after surgery, also before and during work in the operating room.

The study took data from children of all ages, but greater weight problems were found in boys and girls aged between 8 and 12 years. Can it be that some parents do not worry so much about their diet the older the children are? It can also influence that they eat normally but do not burn so much, because their games may be more focused on consoles and video games and do not move so much. We already know that being overweight is not only linked to food and we must remember that children are children, and that they need parental supervision for many years.

Video: The approach to treating childhood obesity. Anita Vreugdenhil. TEDxMaastricht (July 2024).