Eating fish more than three times a week harms the fetus

Recommendations on limiting fish consumption during pregnancy are based.

A new study conducted in Taipei to be published in January in a specialized magazine warns again about the dangers of excessive fish consumption during pregnancy.

Carried out with 24-week pregnant women, Taiwanese scientists determined that three times a week is the maximum recommended amount. More than that, it might not be safe for the fetus.

The reason is that high levels of mercury derived from fish pass through the placenta and can cause significant damage to the fetus at the neuronal, cerebral, renal and growth retardation levels.

However, this does not mean that pregnant women should eliminate fish from their diet.

On the contrary, moderate consumption of fish is beneficial for both the mother and the baby.

Without going any further, we learned that fish oil improves the visual and motor coordination of the child.

On the other hand, the high content of omega3 present in fish is very healthy for the development of intelligence and increases the tendency to social relationships of the little ones.

Like everything. The consumption of fish, also in its right measure.

Video: Top 3 Best Fish vs. Worst Fish to Eat: Thomas DeLauer (July 2024).