Junk food in pregnancy increases the risk of having obese children

Obesity is not just a matter of choosing the food we give our children, but of a behavior that parents instill, even from their lives inside the womb.

So that we can see to what extent the poor feeding of mothers during pregnancy can influence the health of the future baby, a study opens our eyes.

It was made by British scientists and indicates that the children of mothers fed during pregnancy and lactation with unhealthy foods of reduced nutritional value are more likely to suffer from obesity in the future.

Mothers who ate junk food, that is, chocolates, fried foods, fatty foods, etc. During the nine months of pregnancy they had children with poorly developed muscles compared to the children who received a balanced diet rich in nutrients.

Their children also showed signs of insulin resistance, which could mean a risk of developing diabetes.

That is why scientists recommend pregnant women to acquire good eating habits even during the fetal life of the baby and not overdo it with foods too rich in fats and sugars.

In addition to further research on the subject, experts are analyzing the possible effects of poor diet on hyperactive behaviors in children.

Video: Are You Really Eating for Two? Food and Nutrition During Pregnancy (July 2024).