Health personnel involved in pregnancy in the United Kingdom may not be qualified

A report from Kings College London (United Kingdom) warns that In English hospitals, tasks are assigned to unqualified health personnel to develop them, I feel jobs that only midwives should prepare. This can really represent a serious problem for the health of the mother or the baby, the training ensures that exactly what to do when certain complications occur, which can not be done if you are not properly trained.

Apparently, in the United Kingdom they are short of midwives, and the solutions they once took may not be the most correct. Initially, personnel were trained to help the community of midwives, freeing them from bureaucratic tasks and assisting in prenatal control tasks. These should have been the only functions performed, however, they indicate that the confidence that each midwife placed in his assistant made the midwife provide him with more tasks, although these tasks had to be executed by the midwife, since for this had prepared. The assistants have performed all kinds of tests, fetal checks, baby heart monitoring, vaginal exams, etc.

Without underestimating the work of the assistants, we understand that the poor training they present does not allow them to elaborate tests such as those mentioned above, but the fault lies with the midwives themselves, who have delegated their tasks being totally irresponsible and placing the life of the Future baby or mom.

The conclusion is that midwives have work saturation and delegate out of necessity, but there are also midwives who spend a bit of work and delegate irresponsibly. The solution could be to train new staff who were fully trained for this work and thus decongest the situation a bit.

Video: Pregnancy After Prolapse: How to Prepare for Another Baby (July 2024).