Guidelines against childhood depression, goodbye depression

Psychiatrist Enrique Rojas promotes a series of tips through his new book Goodbye depression, explaining how, why and how to act to avoid childhood depression caused by family breakdown. The book offers clues and solutions on how to act on patients and how family members should behave.

Depression is a disease that has grown especially in recent years and can affect everyone and all ages. In addition to the causes that affected child depression in the past, now two new ones must be added, the marital separations, a circumstance that is increasing and the compatibility suffered in today's schools, sometimes a school failure hides a child depression.

Enrique Rojas provides through his book the necessary keys to act on a sentimental and psychological level with the purpose of overcoming the problems that the children of separated parents go through. An example that shows us is the incidence of the fact that a child spends time with his mother and another with his father, the desire of each parent to conquer the child's heart causes each parent not to act properly and try to conquer the child. small allowing him and always giving him what he wants.

Goodbye to depression is an interesting book that we should not ignore and that teaches us about these types of problems that plague these days. You can buy this 420-page book online for € 19.50.

Video: Healing Depression (July 2024).