Control blood glucose levels at home

If gestational diabetes has arisen from your pregnancy, in addition to the care indicated by the doctor and those we have shown in Babies and more, it is possible that you should monitor blood glucose levels from home.

To self-monitor your diabetes, the first thing is to follow the instructions of the specialist, he will tell you how many times a day it will be necessary to perform the analysis, it can be three times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), once a day or once a week .

In the health center they will provide you with the device and the test strips necessary to perform the analysis and perhaps also a kind of pen that, when pressed, will prick your fingertip to achieve the drop of blood without hardly disturbing. If they do not provide it, you can find it at the pharmacy. To perform the self-analysis, you must click on the fingertip and press lightly to deposit the drop of blood in the test strip, it must be introduced into the device to measure glucose levels, which in less than a minute will offer blood glucose levels . But keep in mind that there are several devices and although its operation is similar, it can vary somewhat.

It may also be necessary for you to self-analyze the rate of acetone in the urine in the morning, while fasting, something simpler, as it will only be necessary to moisten another type of urine test strips. The gynecologist or endocrine should meet you approximately every fifteen days to assess the figures that have resulted from your self-analysis and that you should have noted.

Video: What is a normal blood sugar level? (July 2024).