Waiting for the second baby

The birth of the first child disrupts family life. Roles, tasks and family organization are redefined with the arrival of the newborn at home and although we have the experience, the arrival of the second baby It also requires preparation because it will involve another reorganization.

For the first child accustomed to receiving the attention of the parents exclusively, suddenly he sees his mother's belly grow, which is also given attention. It is best to make him participate, announce the arrival of the little brother from the beginning of pregnancy, make him participate in the preparations and explain the changes that will happen with the arrival of the new family member.

The arrival of the second child implies less time for oneself and the life of a couple. All family members must participate in the family organization that can often become chaotic. The collaboration and the distribution of tasks will be essential for family dynamics. Another important part is the expenses, although with birth they do not double if they are increased. For the birth of the second child, expenses for childcare material are saved, the baby inherits the things of the older brother; but there will be other expenses for example if you have to pay for the baby's care or move to a very large house.

As the child grows, expenses for food, education, leisure or vacations increase.

But the most important thing is the joy of a new baby at home, the parents' willingness to take care of him and provide all the love he deserves without neglecting his eldest son, also transmitting the security of feeling loved.

Video: How much time should I wait before having another baby? (July 2024).