Alternative medicine for children

According to statistics, there is a large increase in the use of therapy alternative medicine in children. This increase has occurred especially in recent years with more incidence in children suffering from some type of chronic disease and belonging to families of average economic resources with a low cultural level.

Techniques such as hypnosis, aromatherapy or reflexology are being introduced in our society progressively, even the products that are used in some of these techniques can be acquired in large areas. Traditional oriental medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, healers, all try through their means to "improve or cure" the patient.

But some questions have to be asked, are these types of therapies beneficial for a child? There is no answer, since there are no studies that support the results, although it is known that the substances used in alternative medicines are not entirely harmless and many have side effects. It is also not known how they affect the child's organism. Doctors and medical drugs are more reliable, because behind them there are rigorous controls, studies, analysis, etc., to ensure results and safety in the body of children. Keep in mind that there are numerous charlatans who try to take advantage of desperate families by ensuring non-existent cures.

So far, while there are no scientific studies, tests and results accredited by medical commissions, we should not fall into the grip of alternative medicine and less when it comes to the lives of our children. By this we do not mean that it is a bad medicine, but in order to ensure its effectiveness in children they must possess some type of accreditation that guarantees their benefits.

Before an illness, it is best to go to health specialists, they will know in most cases what should be done and what is the most recommended treatment.

Video: Integrative Medicine and Children (July 2024).