Being a father, a challenge

Until a few years ago, a father sought economic and family security, pampering, affection, caresses or consolations were the mother's own acts. Times change and with them the concept of being a father, there is a greater involvement in raising a child, in their educational and emotional well-being, the father and son relationship has changed radically, no doubt for the benefit of both, but being a father is a challenge.

Many of these new parents are inexperienced parents who have not been able to follow a model, since their parents acted very differently, although they will serve as a model for their children, thanks to their new way of acting the next generations will be consolidated, with More experienced parents and good learning. Children who become parents in the future will have had a model that will help them show how beautiful and satisfying the new parenthood is. Little by little, the stereotype of the head and livelihood of the family disappears, the new father seeks time to share with his son, behind is the lack of time or fatigue to be able to properly care for a child. The incorporation of women into the world of work has had a lot to do, but also the new mentality, the awareness of the importance of educating a child in all aspects, etc.

The world of work does not allow full enjoyment of children, moms or dads, and this fact requires trying to combine work, tasks and education and attention of children. There are many parents who end up stressing and suffering psychologically because of the lack of time and dedication they can give to the family, the fact of not having had a role model has influenced, they must learn for themselves the right ways to act, in that I walk looking for a coordination and a perfection usually make some mistakes but it is normal, they learn for themselves and have not had the help of a father model, theirs.

Many of the parents act with their children as they would have liked to have their own parents act with them, share time with their child, protect and support the family, show the love they process for their children, educate, teach, play, etc. , it is a fact that makes them even more deserving of the condition of being parents unlike previous generations. The woman has always had a role model to be a suitable mother, it costs much less to be a good mother who cares for her children in all aspects.

The new parents demonstrate a great tenacity and eagerness to help their children, to give them everything necessary for an adequate development and despite being inexperienced generations in this task, to be a father with all its effects, they are demonstrating that they are deserving of the new condition, exemplary parents for their children.

Video: Daddy Challenge (July 2024).