Breastfeed the baby right after birth

In a research work carried out by the Valve Hospital of Seville, they have concluded that it is highly recommended breastfeed the baby half an hour after birth instead of waiting several hours, as this helps to extend the period of breastfeeding.

With this action, faster milk is raised and more confident in the ability to breastfeed the baby, reaching breastfeeding for up to a month and a half more. According to specialists, if a mother indicates that she does not have enough milk, the reality is that she lacks to learn the proper technique of breastfeeding. According to the midwives of this hospital, the amount of milk does not depend on the mother, but on the suction performed by the child.

Only one mother in 55,000 has problems with milk production, either in quality or quantity. The four midwives of the Sevillian hospital conducted a study observing the eating habits of 238 children of mothers who also included first-time children, all under 35 years of age. 60 mothers of this group breastfed their children at ½ hour of birth, also complemented this action with the so-called kangaroo method (contacting the naked baby on the breast during the two hours after birth). Apparently, this method is very suitable because thanks to it the mother's bleeding decreases, promotes the emotional bond and encourages breastfeeding and the benefits derived from it. We only have to look at the results reflected in this study, one day after delivery, up to 41% of mothers wanted to breastfeed their children until 6 months, and as we know this is the minimum time recommended by the World Organization Of the health.

With mothers who do not breastfeed their children within half an hour of being born, the data changes spectacularly, only 6.4% want to breastfeed their children until 6 months.

Breastfeeding is as recommended for the child as for the mother, the risks of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, postpartum bleeding decreases, the womb returns to its natural state and a long etc. In the child their defenses increase, childhood obesity is prevented, allergies are prevented, etc.

There is no doubt that breastfeeding is highly recommended and, apparently, much more if it starts within half an hour of delivery.

Video: Care After Your Baby Is Born. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).