Spring tiredness in children

As with adults, children also suffer from the exhaustion of the change of season. The long winter leaves longer and hotter days in which they develop more activity, producing generalized fatigue, exhaustion and decay.

At this time of the year children are usually more capricious, in a bad mood, easily irritable with crises of crying and insomnia. But it is not only their fault, but also due to the call spring asthenia.

It is a temporary physiological mechanism that is triggered at the beginning of spring and disappears after a few days or weeks, when the organism adjusts to the new season. To alleviate this discomfort nothing better than a good diet and exercise. You have to offer them food that provides them with the necessary energy to cope with the day, without skipping any of the four daily meals.

Fruits, carbohydrates, cereals and dairy products, specifically milk, exert an antidepressant action and eliminate the laziness typical of spring.

Of course, a good rest and the practice of exercise are essential to combat fatigue, since sedentary lifestyle favors the feeling of exhaustion.

Video: ASMR Things that Help Me with Anxiety and Tiredness in Spring (July 2024).