Touch the genitals

Something habitual in a small child is touch the genitals, even before their first birthday they do it sporadically. This is a completely normal behavior that helps the child to know his own body much better. The world of the little ones is touching to be able to explore, know and be able to take references, continuously look for new sensations and signs of their environment that help them in their behavior.

Parents should act naturally if children touch their genitals, we should not react alarmed by removing their hand, since the only thing that is achieved is to transmit negative feelings towards the sensations and the discovery of their body. According to some scientific studies, even this act can cause the child to have difficulties in their intimate relationships in the future.

Specialists indicate that especially in children, these touches are much more frequent after 18 months. The explanation is very simple, the child's anatomy allows that part of the body to be much more accessible and striking than that of the girl. Both boys and girls tend to touch each other more if they have a more nervous character, but as we have said, before it is normal behavior, part of their learning that they will eventually stop doing. The most important thing is that the child observes our way of behaving and without saying anything, he will adopt that same behavior. We parents do not touch our genitals in public and this the child sees and learns, there is an educational moral barrier that inhibits that behavior and is finally adopted by him.

In this journey of knowledge comes a time when if you have to teach the child some moral standards and respect, is when they turn three years old, at that time they no longer look at their genitals, they begin to look at those of the other children and even more if they are of the opposite sex, this attitude is logical and happens to almost all children, curiosity, exploration, knowing, etc., however at this time we must teach them these moral standards of behavior and coexistence, that there are parts of the body that must be respected and precisely because they belong to others and in turn teach him that others must respect him.

It is a laborious task to teach, educate and train a child, but this is a really rewarding task.

Video: Show Me Your Genitals 1080p! (July 2024).