Rhinitis, nasal decongestants do not affect the chest

It is a condition that is characterized by a watery nose throughout pregnancy, on the rhinitis During pregnancy, the possibility that treatment with nasal decongestants could adversely affect the development of the fetus has been considered.

In a research led by J. Kallen of the University of Luna, the effects of these medications (phenylpropanolamine administered orally) on 2,474 women during their first months of pregnancy were studied.

The effects of these same medications were also studied in 1,771 women who took it during the final phase of pregnancy.

The results of the research on the effects of these decongestants during the first quarter, indicated that 4.7% of the babies had a congenital malformation. This figure is lower than the number of babies that arrive in the world with malformations, for the same number of women taken from the general population. On the other hand, women who took these decongestants during the final phase of pregnancy had a 32% lower risk of preterm birth, the possibility of giving birth to a baby with low weight was also reduced by 47%.

These are among others, some of the results. At the moment the causes of this ailment are not known, but it is known that the hormones produced by the placenta are implicated in it. We will have to wait for further research to further clarify the relationship between hormones and rhinitis. In principle and according to investigations, nasal decongestants do not affect pregnancy.

Video: Pregnancy FAQs : How to Treat a Sinus Infection During Pregnancy (July 2024).