The importance of walking during pregnancy

All pregnant women are advised to practice some type of physical exercise to be fit, since childbirth is an extraordinary physical effort. Definitely walk It is also very beneficial during pregnancyWe still remember the long walks we were waiting for the happy event.

Future moms who, before becoming pregnant, performed sports activities, can continue with it if the doctor does not see any possible contraindication. But there may also be the opposite case, women who did not do any physical activity before pregnancy, in this case it is not advisable to start sports abruptly, but instead, you should walk.

Initially, all pregnant women can walk as long as there is no contraindication and the gynecologist sends absolute rest. Walking has many health benefits, from facilitating blood circulation to relaxing tensions. It is very healthy to take long walks along the shore of the beach or through a flat forest, always avoiding the rugged terrain to prevent possible falls and trips due to clumsiness during pregnancy. If you are in the city, the best place is a park, looking for crowds and less pollution due to traffic.

When you are not accustomed to walking, it is convenient to start little by little, an initial session of ½ hour alternated the days and to increase the duration until arriving at a daily walk or at least, what the specialists recommend, four walks per week. The ideal duration of these walks should be one hour, but without fatigue.

At the moment, there is no study that indicates what possible benefits this exercise has on the baby, but one thing is very clear, a good physical and psychological state of the future mother, will adequately favor the unborn baby.

Video: 7 Benefits of Walking During Pregnancy (July 2024).