State of the World's Children 2006

Yesterday the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) presented the report "State of the World's Children 2006: excluded and invisible" with discouraging statistics.

Millions of children continue to live in poverty. The report emphasizes invisibility: it highlights that more than half of the births in developing countries, not including China, are not registered in the official records, depriving fifty million children of their right to have an identity of your own Not being documented harms them when enrolling in school or asking for a hospital shift and exposes them to trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor.

The World Children's Report 2006 raises the central focus of the exclusion, five years after the UN states parties have agreed to comply with the "Millennium Goals" in 2015, which among other objectives, provides for the eradication of hunger and universal education These objectives set goals to address extreme poverty, hunger, mortality of children and their mothers and HIV / AIDS and promote universal primary education, gender equality and environmental sustainability.

It reveals, among other data, that if the current progress rates do not improve, in the next 10 years some 70 million children will not be able to access safe water sources, 50 million will be fed improperly, 80 million will be left out of Primary school and at least 3.8 million children under 5 will die of preventable causes.

The full report is available online with stories of children living in this situation, user-adapted statistics, photographic reports and a film about the State of the World's Children.

The report does not leave us indifferent to the harsh reality of millions of children who pay with their innocence the social injustices of an unequal, poorly distributed world.