What games and toys to buy

Christmas dates are approaching, television begins to harass us with toy ads and for us the dilemma of gifts for our children begins. Either Santa Claus, or the Magi, the children await their visit in candle holders, and the time comes when we have to squeeze a little of our arms and pockets so as not to let them down.

Depending on the age of our children, they will ask for what they like best, or they will ask for everything they see, but it is in our hands to get the toys they receive on these dates to be helpful and, most importantly, to their liking.

¿What toys to buy? The main thing is to recognize that it is not a better toy that is more expensive, but the one that best suits the personality and age of our children. You have to take into account your tastes and know how to choose the right toy for your age, this will favor its correct use and physical safety. The toys that will best be adopted are those that are closest to their world, to their imagination, to their way of playing and we must make the game activity attractive and playful.

To progress in their learning, we must give them toys that develop the skills they are acquiring according to their age, we must pay attention to the design, shape and color that can help motivate our children.

If we buy a toy that has wheels, we must also purchase the accessories that make it a safe toy. We must also pay attention to the material with which the toys are manufactured, even in the country in which they have been manufactured, having greater guarantee if it has been manufactured by any EU country, or by a sufficiently well-known brand.

It will help us to know the tastes of our children when playing, for this there is nothing better than playing with them and as children like to share their toys with their parents and their little brothers, they value more the toys they serve To play accompanied.

Video: 12 Cool New Toys 2018 You Can Buy on Amazon (July 2024).