Custom stories

The E-nans publishing house is dedicated to the edition of custom stories for children and adults. Thanks to digital on demand printing technology, it is possible to print the books only when the reader places his order. The interesting thing about personalized books is, in addition, that they allow us the option of making our son the protagonist of the story, retouching the plot, adding photographs or adding the name of our baby to the cover, so that the text It fits the unique and distinctive of each case. They are also ideal for making a gift, since it is possible to write a dedication.

Among the titles proposed by this editorial, we find Story of my birth, which is a story about the baby's first days. In addition to the classic events surrounding the birth of a child, the skeleton of the publication also allows us to customize many other data related to this event through a simple form. The illustrations are very beautiful and you can choose to publish in Spanish or Catalan.

There are also personalized stories for pregnant women. They can be purchased online for a price of 25 euros and you can see a demo here.

Official site: E-nans

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