Nine challenges that you will face in postpartum (and calm, you will overcome them)

Postpartum is a very delicate stage that every future mother faces with fear. But it is one of those moments in which, perhaps because the baby is going to give us the strength we need (no matter how tired we are), we will soon overcome the difficulties that come our way. Matter of survival, and strength.

These are nine postpartum challenges that you will overcome, with patience, with help perhaps and with the simple passing of days, often letting nature act, when it seemed that something was going to be very complicated and in the end it is not so much.

Entuertos and loquios

They scare a little with that name that suggests twisting, but it is a normal, necessary and healthy process in childbirth. To close the blood vessels that detach during childbirth and help the uterus return to its usual size, postpartum contractions, known as "entuertos," are necessary.

It is a normal contractions in the necessary process of uterine involution after childbirth, which some women will notice with greater intensity and others less. These contractions cause the expulsion of uterine residues from blood, cervical mucus, placental remains ..., the lochia, a normal bleeding that in the first three days are constituted by blood and vernix caseosa.

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But what can we do to favor the wrongs do their job? Breast stimulation contributes to the proper sealing of blood vessels while the uterus is involved, so we have to put the baby to the breast as soon as possible.

The lochia with the passing of the days are less abundant and are cleared, with a higher content of cervical mucus, leukocytes ... This bleeding with vaginal secretions lasts between six and eight weeks after giving birth, during the puerperium and will gradually reduce.

Maintain good intimate hygiene from the beginning and in a few days the lochia will be of low flow, you will almost forget them, since you will not have to continue using special postpartum or tocological compresses but the normal ones.

The points in the postpartum

But the physical state of the mother after childbirth is not only altered by the messes and lochia. A radical hormonal change, together with the physical effort of childbirth, cause effects such as low blood pressure, lack of appetite, depression, loss ... We have to give ourselves time for physical recovery. And if there is something that worries future moms, it is the subject of possible episiotomy.

You have probably suffered an episiotomy and are worried about how to cure it at home so it doesn't get infected and heal as soon as possible. In the hospital, where you will receive your first cures, do not hesitate to ask how to do it when you are at home. If possible, make sure your partner is present so that he can help you if he considers it necessary.

For the cure of the episiotomy points it is recommended to shower daily with soap and water and keep the scar clean and dry, drying it with small touches of towel or even with fresh air. Cures with antiseptic, can be done if we breastfeed with Crystalline, with chlorhexidine for disinfection. But not mercurochrome, Betadine, Topionic ... or any antiseptic with iodine, since Excess iodine in the perinatal period can be dangerous.

Recall that povidone iodine is a banned antiseptic in breastfeeding and that there are safe alternatives for these delicate moments, because iodine could pass into breast milk and falsify the test for early detection of congenital hypothyroidism, in addition to causing other problems in the newly born.

The C-section scar heals in the same way. In both cases, resorbable points are usually used, so that in a few days they will disappear and you will be more comfortable. For the caesarean section, staples are also placed that the gynecologist should remove a week after giving birth in a completely painless procedure.

The rise (or fall) of milk

You are going to breastfeed your baby, as it has always been. But many fears assail you: can I do it? Will i have enough milk? Will it hurt? And although we cannot give answers to everything, what is almost certain is that you will be perfectly able to breastfeed your baby. It may not be easy, it hurts at first, some problem arises ...

But the important thing for a successful breastfeeding is to have all the possible information, the support of your environment and, if necessary, the help of the right people. So, the most common is that within a few days you have already discovered the "magic" of breastfeeding, and you will enjoy it with your baby for a long time.

At the beginning, after the rise of the milk, that colostrum provides the newborn with everything he needs and gradually adapts to his new needs, resulting in the food with more benefits in the short, medium and long term for your child . Here we remind you the steps to start to start breastfeeding with good footing.

Go to the bathroom after delivery

It is one of the most feared moments after childbirth, one of the uncomfortable postpartum truths that most women go through. Do not evacuate in the first days after delivery (especially if an enema has been applied to the woman, which is no longer recommended routinely) is usual, but if three or four days have passed we can talk about postpartum constipation.

It is not true that they will not let you out of the hospital until you have gone to the bathroom, but they will insist that you move because this will facilitate intestinal transit and return to normal. In fact, moving, walking, is one of the main tips to avoid postpartum constipation. Other important recommendations are: eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and legumes, whole grains ... and drink plenty of fluids.

If in spite of everything, the problem of constipation is prolonged, or you have hemorrhoids that make it even more difficult to go to the bathroom, consult the doctor because he can recommend a natural supplement of fiber, laxatives or stool softeners compatible with breastfeeding, to facilitate intestinal transit.

At home with the baby

It seems like a complicated time, when we move away from the "safe environment" of the hospital and truly begin our new journey as parents. But the hospital has been almost a mirage. Now we are "alone in the face of danger." Will we be able with such a small, fragile baby? The answer is yes. And the key is in Do not overdo yourself and accept and ask for help when necessary.

Of course, we must not give in to the demands of the environment and become owners of "our nest", accepting the necessary changes, accepting that the house will not be as clean and tidy as before, that you will not have time for many things ... But for the baby. Enjoying the baby after overcoming the first challenges and doubts after childbirth is what will give you security and confidence.

For this, it is important to support the couple and not feel isolated, knowing the situation of other couples with babies ... Not feeling alone will make you live this new life much better. Because yes, it has changed and although at first it is difficult to see it, you will soon feel that for the better.

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Deal with visits

When a baby is born, there is always someone waiting to congratulate the happy parents as soon as possible. But it is not always the most appropriate time and above all on the same day after birth and afterwards it is necessary for the mother to be calm with her baby. Annoying visits are plenty. So much so, that even pediatricians recommend that newborns not receive visitors.

One of the things that mothers want in the postpartum (although it is often not externalized) is that they do not touch or catch their baby, in a reflection of our protective instinct. In addition, at this time the need for privacy is normal, so, as visitors, we do our best to wait for the right time.

For all this, do not hesitate to tell your friends and family to wait for your call to meet the baby. Sooner rather than later you will be well to receive visitors. We just need to physically recover from childbirth and learn to "handle" the baby, knowing him better. If there are no problems, this will happen much sooner if it is not about first-time parents.

Also, remember that perfect visits should not be a hindrance but may be useful: do you trust a family member or friend to help you at home, with the little brothers ...? Choose the most appropriate time for you, not them.

Sex after childbirth

After delivery it is necessary to leave a period of time for the mother's physical recovery, especially if there has been episiotomy or caesarean section. Recovery is not desirable for sex, but simply to move, walk, shop or change a diaper. In short, return to our daily lives. And yes, there, yes, after achieving many other small steps, sex enters.

That, if we are not too tired, of course. Because our pace of life has been disrupted and we may not find the right time until a few months have passed. Sooner or later, if there are no other problems, the couple resume their sexual life again. And one way not to forget it is to maintain a certain intimacy, without having to have complete sexual relations, showing the affection to the couple, perhaps with a romantic dinner, a massage ... The couple has to find their new balance after being parents and this It may take some time.

Finally, we must not forget family planning, since, although the woman has not returned to have menstruation after childbirth, ovulation and pregnancy could occur, even if you are breastfeeding on demand. This is more common after six months of the baby.

Recover weight

We should not propose it as a challenge, but often under pressure from the environment or our own requirement, that is: we want to recover the figure as soon as possible.

And although it is great to lose weight to stay as healthy as possible, we have to give ourselves some time and not look at those "magazine" postparts, where perfect recent mothers appear.

Our body is going to need some time, even months, to regain its previous weight, and even then the same previous "forms" may never be fully recovered. We must settle well with our baby, with our new pace of life and as soon as we see that we are physically recovered, mentally prepared and, above all, with time, we can better plan an exercise plan.

Of course, to recover the figure after childbirth, it is not only necessary to perform physical activity, but a good diet is necessary and this is possible from the minute 1 of the postpartum.

Get rest

The physical effort made during childbirth leaves the mother exhausted and it may be that the first moments with the newborn take place in a kind of "sleep it". The first nights with the baby can be confusing and exhausting. Actually, it may be that in your mind they come together night and day, without differentiating at the end very well at what time we are.

It is normal for the newborn to sleep a few hours in a row, something perfectly healthy, so as far as possible we have to synchronize with the baby and sleep when he does.

Also in this case the help of the couple or a relative can be very welcome and it would not be bad to give the mother a couple of naps or take a quiet shower to relax (at any time!), Always The baby is calm and not hungry.

You see, they are challenges that scare but that you will overcome in postpartum. And remember that quarantine is a myth, we do not talk about 40 days or two months, although some of the challenges are overcome in a few days, the postpartum lasts one year and for other challenges we will have to wait longer.

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Video: Labor and Delivery. Childbirth. Nucleus Health (July 2024).