Discover the world through the eyes of a child

Since I became a mother there is one thing that has always surprised me about children and is the wonderful perspective with which your eyes see the world. There are no taboos, no stereotypes, no double standards. There is nothing like those things that flood the life and vision of the adult world.

We should learn more about their innocence and purity and how they perceive life and everyday things from day to day. My children continually show it to me and I always tell them that Children are the best teachers we can have.

The empathy of the children

Last school year we changed my oldest son from school. The days before the start of the course he was nervous but nothing compared to what I felt. I had insomnia for several nights and the same questions always echoed in my head "Are we doing the right thing?", "Will it adapt well?", "Will it go wrong?" ...

The first day of school arrived and in line, before a lot of unknown children, my son began to cry. And I couldn't stand the knot that had been drowning for days and I collapsed with him. I put myself at his height looking for the right words to tell him when, suddenly, I was surrounded by a lot of children.

My words were not needed. A little boy approached mine and giving him a big hug he said: "Do you know how to play football? Do you want to play with us at recess?". And so it all began. My child dried her tears with the back of her hand and minutes later they were running around together, not even knowing their names.

I left there with my heart full and invaded by the goodness, the empathy and the purity of some children who had given me a great lesson, leaving behind the fears and false beliefs that had martyred me for weeks.

Fun in simple things

One of the things I like best about kids is their ability to find magic, fun and illusion in the simplest things. Many times adults complicate our lives looking for unforgettable plans, spectacular birthday parties or sophisticated toys that surprise them.

How many times have we thought about how to entertain them at home on a rainy and cold Saturday? How many times will we have thought that going to the supermarket with them would bore them? And how many laps will we have given to his birthday party looking to make it spectacular?

The kids don't need those things. They are little people so simple and authentic that conform to kisses, tickles and hugs; with a bedtime story, with songs and dances in the company of mom or dad or with an impromptu costume while performing a play.

A few days ago I saw this video on YouTube that moved me a lot because it shows in a sensitive and realistic way how children enjoy life in a very different way as we do adults.

Hopefully we can learn more from them and look at the world through their eyes! Only in this way will we be able to discover the universe of colors and shades with which they see life.
  • Photos | iStock
  • In Babies and More | Eleven things that I envy of my children's childhood and that they have to value, The two types of children before the first day of school in a photo (and how to help the floor), Four ways to teach empathy to children, Planning a Children's party: when social networks set high expectations

Video: How Babies See The World (June 2024).