Why are mothers so heavy that others have children?

When we become mothers, we experienced for the first time a level of love that we had never lived. We feel that there are not enough words to describe these powerful new emotions.

And we feel something so unique and so great that we want to share it with the world. Shouting to the four winds that being a mother is the best thing that has happened to us in life. I have no doubt that there are those who read these words and think: "Well, what happens to this? The children are cute but it is not so much"There will be people who think differently from me, who may not feel that way, and both opinions are valid.

The problem is that sometimes we as mothers, by living this unparalleled experience, we cling to think that all women should live it. And almost without realizing it, we become heavy with others having children.

The world is full of people with different opinions. Two people with the same lifestyle can think completely differently about a specific topic. Personally, I find that as something positive, because it is precisely that different way of thinking, which helps to make the world something always new. But let's return to the theme of mothers.


I really think that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that can make you feel the emotions that make us feel being mothers. For me, for example, it has made me crazy with love, making me realize that I can give more than I thought. That I can be more humble and more generous than I imagined it could be before having children.

And it is a feeling so difficult to describe or compare, that we would love that all women could live it. And of course, the only way to know what mothers feel is to be one. So why do mothers become so heavy that others have children?

Because we are happy and we want others to be

It's that simple, that simple. No more no less. Being a mother is like becoming another person or traveling to another planet. It is to make way for new emotions, feelings, ways of thinking and acting.

But without a doubt, what makes us feel most like being mothers is the love of our children. There is nothing that can match what causes us a kiss, a hug or a "I love you" from our children. It is pure and absolute happiness.

It is such a beautiful feeling that we come to think: "How did he live before without knowing this?"And we want everyone to feel it, because something so monumental, everyone must live it at some point in their lives. And unwittingly, we become heavy:

When are you going to have children? Do you not want to be a mother? But look, if it's so pretty. My life is not the same since I had my baby. Being a mom is the best thing that ever happened to me. Is that if you had a child, you would know true happiness

And although we can have the best intentions, we must understand one thing: not all women want to be mothers. And that's fine. You know why? Because everyone is free to choose what makes him happy.

What for us may be something essential in our lives, for others it may not be. There are women who choose not to have children because they like the lifestyle they have and do not see themselves as mothers. Others prefer to prioritize their career, follow their professional dreams and being a mother does not adapt to their work life plan. Although in reality motherhood does not have to be at odds with achieving your dreams. But after all, reasons there may be many and all are respectable.

Some people think it is sad that a woman does not have children, a fairly traditionalist thought that is still valid in many countries. We must remember and always keep in mind that the value of a woman is not given by being or not being a mother. So let's stop that habit of asking, "What about you, when?" or "when do you plan to get pregnant?" and that everyone chooses what best makes them happy.

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In Babies and more | The hypocrisy of pushing you to have children and then asking you to hide your motherhood (and your children)

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