A nursing student decides to experience the pain of childbirth and endures 20 seconds!

It is not the first and probably will not be the last to do such an experiment, and we continue to say that it is quite absurd because men do not have a uterus that contracts, but it can certainly be useful for men to watch videos like this and understand that labor pain can become very beast.

As much as the one who suffers this student? I am not sure about it, but it is that the poor man does not endure too much. Come on, if I had to give birth I would have a problem, because Just hold on for 20 seconds!

A machine that produces muscle contractions

As we read in Ideal, a nursing student named Jonny Wade He volunteered for an experiment at Lincoln Memorial University in Tennessee. With the help of his career partners, a machine responsible for producing muscle contractions was connected to the abdomen, through electric shocks in the abdomen (the typical machines to get strong without leaving home).

What happened is what you can imagine and I tell you already in the title. At 20 seconds he said it was enough to stop that torture. Does that mean that men would be unable to give birth, because our pain threshold has nothing to do with women's? No. It only shows that the machines that cause abdominal muscle contractions hurt a lot.

So what did they do this experiment for?

Well, for all men to become aware of what it may be to give birth to some women and be more aware of how amazing it is to create a life inside, and then give birth. Those long hours of dilation, irregular contractions that then become regular and tighten more and more and everything that happens in the body and mind. The desire that everything goes well, the fear of pain and uncertainty, how my baby will be, the incredible thing about bringing a new life to the world, etc.

Perhaps we can think about it men and try to get a minimum idea, in case with that we can be even more astonished at what they are able to do and support them much more in every way, as a woman, partner and mother.

To know the pain they can bear? It does not work, or it is not comparable. It is not the abdominal muscles that contract, it is the uterus. And the contractions are associated with a lot of physical, hormonal changes and adaptations that regulate that discomfort so that it hurts less, to the point of even disconnecting the rational mind so that the woman's body is put at the service of childbirth ... that's why they say that it is a mistake to make a woman who is giving birth speak or think, and that the ideal is that Enter the so-called "childbirth planet".

In fact, to be able to do a good experiment, two groups should be made: one of women and one of men, to put all the machine on them, and then yes to measure everyone's pain threshold and the time they are able to endure such torture. So we would know if, if we were the ones who had to give birth to a baby, we would be able to do so.

Video: The Try Guys Try 14 Hours Of Labor Pain Simulation (July 2024).