Homemade baby food has more and better benefits than purchased

According to the WHO, during the first six months of life the baby should be fed exclusively with milk before trying new foods. After six months we can start with complementary feeding, in which we are gradually introducing new food options for our baby.

One of the ways to introduce new foods is through porridge. There are currently many options available in the supermarket that are made by trademarks but we can also prepare them at home. It is always advisable to make porridge at home Well, we know with certainty what we are feeding our children.

Now a new study proves that porridge and homemade foods have better benefits for babies than porridge or commercial pots.

The study, published in the International Journey of Obesity, suggests that Babies fed homemade food could learn to enjoy a wider variety of food types and be thinner than children who eat products already processed in the supermarket.

To obtain these results, the researchers examined whether the origin of the food (homemade or commercial) included in the variety of feeding, as well as in the growth and weight of the baby. It was found that babies who only consumed homemade food they had a more diverse diet from an early age and less body fat when they were one and three years old.

Another advantage of home-made foods is that they can provide a wider amount of flavors and textures that encourage the child to consume a greater diversity of foods as they grow older.

With these results the researchers think that could help prevent obesity, as well as chronic diseases that are related to poor eating. Since preferences for certain foods begin at an early age, they are very likely to continue and it is difficult to change them as adults, so providing appropriate foods during complementary feeding is very important to facilitate food acceptance and ensure development and healthy growth

The WHO suggests that parents feed babies with a varied diet that includes meat, poultry, fish and eggs, as well as various fruits and vegetables, starting at six months of age.

Video: Homemade Baby Food Packs More Nutrition (July 2024).