A pregnant student is selling urine and positive pregnancy tests to pay for her career

She is not the first pregnant woman to do it, nor will she be the last, but she is the last one who has become famous, and that has not transcended her identity.

This is a student who is three months pregnant, who after weeks trying to find a job to continue paying for her studies, thought she could try to earn some money selling pregnant urine Y pregnancy tests that would have already tested positive.

He won't get rich, but he's already paying for college

The reality is that it is not a big business; It is not going to get rich by selling urine bottles so that then whoever buys them can do a positive test, or directly the tests, but for now is getting enough to pay for studies.

As we read in La República, the young woman is from Jacksonville, Florida, and is selling "her products" through a buy-sell portal that advertises like this:

I sell positive pregnancy tests or send my urine. I do not ask questions. I am three months pregnant and I offer a product for which the buyer can test positive or use urine for whatever he wants.
If you use it to spend a joke or to blackmail the president of the company you are having an affair with ... I don't care what you do with it! (…) I will not charge you more for the price of the pregnancy test, but I will not charge you a little

Apparently, after looking for a job unsuccessfully (three months pregnant, nobody wanted to hire her), she learned of other women who had done something similar and decided to take the opportunity.

Although the earnings are very variable and never get the same money, he says in the media that he has someday managed to win up to 200 dollars.

But who would want a positive test?

Well, you see, there is a market. People who buy the test, and people who buy the urine to be sent by courier or even go home to look for it even when they do not live in the same city. The objective? Well you can imagine it. In some cases it will be to spend some joke, and in others to carry out some type of blackmail.

Video: Cheating The System: Faking a Drug Test (July 2024).